I know I mention him in some of my posts, but Matt truly is an amazing, loving, supportive, and strong man. He has been by my side in some of my races, he is a smart engineer from CU (like myself), he inspires me, he motivates me, he is my lifting spotter, my climbing partner, my chairlift companion, my drinking buddy, my running partner, and my best friend. He pushes me to be my hardest and get up even if I am at my lowest, he inspires me to train harder, eat better, treat myself right. He is always by my side, even if only figuratively.

Matt is also a student and, like me, struggles with the day-to-day balance of school, work, health, and fitness. I know I don't tell him enough that I am proud of what he is doing, but I am. He does amazing things and I am so proud to have him by my side. He is going into his last semester at CU and I am so excited for him to be able to have him literally by my side from here on out.
Who is your #mcm shout out? Who inspires you, pushes you, and brings out your best?!
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