What did you do?
Normally when one signs up for build crew, (just like I did here, and when I helped in Palmerton, PA) you get to.. oh I don't know... build something!? No such luck today. Today, the crew hardly built anything all day, and Christina and I didn't build a damn thing. So what did we do? Good question, we got to take inventory of tools, clean and organize the storage trailer (everyone calls it "Fred": I have no idea why), and paint wooden storage boxes. This wasn't fun, it was hot in the trailer, and I didn't feel like I was accomplishing anything. I am almost dissapointed in the shirt "I helped build a Spartan Race", because frankly, we did nothing of the sort.

One great thing about my day was Joe DeSena. NO, not the actual guy, but very funny cards. Some staff apparently got ahold of some promo cards featuring DeSena and made some very funny posts all over the trailer. For a little bit it turned into a "Where's Waldo" type situation and we cracked up. He was everywhere, on shelves, on doors, and even on the ceiling! This was sadly, the highlight of our day, and then we realized we had to get back to cleaning... fun.

For every volunteer shift you work for Spartan you get a FREE RACE!
That alone was worth it since races can be from $70 to $150 depending on when and what you register for. On top of that I got A free sweatshirt, tee-shirt (It says "I helped build a spartan race" on the back), free parking to the event (normally $10), and free lunch/snacks/hydration all day! Not to mention all the insider tips and a free glimpse at the course!
Not that ANY OF THAT MATTERS. I already have the shirt/sweatshirt, I can't race this course (going to be at a wedding in VT), and it was 2.5 hours away from home! This one wasn't fun, and it's hard to tell if it was REALLY worth it or not.
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