Tuesday, August 5, 2014

BattleFrog 15k NJ Results!

BattleFrog 15k Photos are IN! AND I AM SO EXCITED! I have never seen race photos so perfect! These photographers were very abundant, very fun, and got amazing shots (and plenty of them too!). BattleFrog provides your photos for FREE too! There were photo ops at the Slip N' Slide, Jerry Can Carry, Monkey Bars, Tunnel Rats, Rope Traverse, Tsunami Wall Climb, Tsunami Wall Slide, Normandy Jacks, and at the Finish. Unfortunately (or fortunately, since I fell?) there are no photos of my from either of the Tsunami obstacle spots.

These photographers were so great and I really wish other races had such quality photos and photographers. Way to go BattleFrog!

There were so many good photos, but here are the best ones I got:

 Slip N' Slide:
Crashing into someone is inevitable, so if having fun doing so.

Jerry Can Carry:
Kind of awkward to carry, but I did it!

Monkey Bars:
They were downhill ones, and I totally owned them! The photo at the top of the page was taken when I nailed them!

Tunnel Rats:
I love this photo, it's my new profile photo. I came through the tunnels and I looked ahead to see a photographer staring right at me! This was my reaction face, apparently.

Traverse Rope:
This just goes to show how long this obstacle was! My mom looked at these photos and was shocked by how long it was and how proud she was that I got it!
Normandy Jacks:
Man, do I love mud!

Overall, the photography for this race was better than anything I have ever seen at a race. There was so MANY very GOOD photographers on course and as a result I got so many AMAZING photos. For FREE! And they came out very fast! Great job BattleFrog!

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