Wednesday, January 21, 2015

New Spartan 2015 Swag!

Hey Everyone! It is FINALLY HERE! The 2015 Spartan Race season is upon us!

The season kicked off this weekend with both a Beast (1/17) and a Sprint (1/18) in Southern California. While the West coast Spartans were tearing up the course, we eager East coast Spartans stared in envy at the photos and stories that emerged on the internet about what 2015 has to offer. Although I don't know anything about if the course changed, we have seen a much welcome and anticipated change to the swag we will get to sport at the end.

The Medal:
The Spartan logo, medal lanyard, and trifecta pieces are identical to last year except, obviously the date is changed to 2015. But the Medal itself has an awesome new outer ring that states the type of race (beast, super, sprint) and the year. It is also 3 inches in diameter rather than 2.5 inches from last year.

The Shirts:
The shirts have always (in my mind/opinion) been kind of annoying. I did 5 races in 2014, and each race, despite being different distances and locations were all boring identical grey on grey. I didn't mind as much for my sprint races, but I was annoyed when I didn't get anything different for conquering a beast or super. This year that has all changed with new trifecta colored shirts!

Now the shirts are labeled with the type of race and are colored differently on the front and back! It doesn't seem like much, but I am very excited about this. I love the trifecta idea and system and the colors are a fun way to show your accomplishment.

What do you guys think of the new swag? What's everyone's 2015 Spartan goals? How will you proudly show your accomplishments?

Photo credit to Marc Cooperstein, a fellow Spartan Street Team Member.

Friday, January 2, 2015

America, THIS is Why You Are Fat.

WARNING: MissKoryBeth is about to go on a rant. This doesn't happen often, but I feel very strongly about this and want to get some debate and conversations going.

You think all you can eat buffets are a normal, regular thing.
You think yellowish white is a normal food color for everything.
You think fried is a normal way to eat things.
You think soda is fine on a regular basis.
You think "diet" soda is better for you than regular soda, because it has "no calories".
You think there is nothing wrong with testing the capacity of a food dish.
You think "diets" are the way to go to help you lose weight.
Water is not a very regularly drank item.
Green is not a very common color on your plates.
Neither is any color for that matter.
Food goes in your mouth so fast I would be surprised if you even tasted it. 

Okay, Let's Step Back
I know everything I just presented before you is a complete hyperbole but unfortunately, I am not that far off. What sparked this? Matt and I went out for lunch at a Chinese all-you-can-eat buffet before we went to see a movie. I was suffering from a really crappy cold with an extremely sore throat and knew there wasn't too much I was going to be able to swallow and I knew I wanted a large quantity of nice, hot, brothy soup. We don't go to this place often due to previous (albeit lessor) situations similar to this but I wanted cheap sushi and soup (both things I could easily swallow).

How I Ate:
Once there we got our simple ice waters and filled up a nice plate of sushi and sat down to share. Mind you, I understand sushi is not the healthiest  thing for you, but it is pretty good considering we mostly has vegetable rolls, and simple fish sushis and because it is not something we eat every day. Matt and I filled up a plate each and sat munching away, chatting and taking our sweet time; there was no haste in our eating; we chatted, and enjoyed our food, drinking water along the way.  Next I had a lot of wanton soup (light on the wantons, LOTS of hot broth) and finished off with a bit of hearty food: green beans, mushrooms, chicken, fish. This may seem like a lot of food, and for us it was a bit more than usual, but it was very veggie intensive and most of the foods we had were small (almost sample sized) portions. We selected foods carefully, we didn't force ourselves to eat things that we didn't like, we ate slowly and drank a lot of water along the way.

What I Witnessed:
Sitting around I saw and heard some really awful things. It made me realize how f***ed we are as a country and why we are so huge. I actually physically lost my appetite and we ended up leaving. I've narrowed it down to universally what I think the top 4 things that are wrong with the American way of eating.
  • Speed: people were eating faster than I could ever imagine. I would sit down with my little plate and munch away while watching them shovel, cram, and stuff a full mountainous plate of horrible choices down their throats before I was even partially done with mine. They are eating faster than their taste buds can enjoy it, and overstuffing themselves.
    • Please America: the food isn't going anywhere: SLOW DOWN!
  • Drinks: I only drink water, unsweetened tea, and my own fruit/veggie/protein smoothies (ok, and booze: but sparingly). People were downing soda like it was going out of style. From the way they were drinking you could tell they were thirsty, but sadly soda will never be able to quench their thirst. If you aren't drinking water you are wasting your calories and not getting any return on them.
    • Please America: stop drinking THOUSANDS of empty, sugary, calories. Stay hydrated and drink water. And STOP drinking "diet soda", just because it has "zero calories" doesn't mean it is any better for you, in fact, it is actually worse!
  • Choices: My mom always said to look at my plate like art and like the food pyramid. The food pyramid because you want a nice representation of all the food groups, art because you want many different colors. Different food groups help you sustain a nice balanced diet and a large array of colors on your plate generally is a good indication of a good nutrient, vitamin, and mineral spectra.
    • Please America: start adding fruits &/or vegetables to all of your meals. You are OBVIOUSLY getting plenty of the meats, "grains" (pretty basic white starch, unfortunately), and fats/sugars, start adding the IMPORTANT stuff to every single meal.
  • Quantity: Two things here: WHY do you need to PILE your plate up to the max? It is a buffet! You can go back if you are still hungry! Take many little trips it helps you digest, gets a nice walk in, and helps you slow down your eating. Also, you should NOT eat (especially at the speed most people eat at) until you are totally stuffed! The brain is not as up to speed as the body and you have actually overeaten by the time your brain tells you that you are full.
    • Please America: stop eating so much, you are not going to starve and you are probably already full enough.
I know this post may have bothered some people, but how do you feel about how most people eat? What are some things you do that you know you should stop/start doing? What do you think the #1 problem with the average American's eating is?

Monday, December 29, 2014

Man Crush Monday: Matthew

I have never done this, but I want to give a shout out to my boyfriend, Matt for my first ever Man Crush Monday.

I know I mention him in some of my posts, but Matt truly is an amazing, loving, supportive, and strong man. He has been by my side in some of my races, he is a smart engineer from CU (like myself), he inspires me, he motivates me, he is my lifting spotter, my climbing partner, my chairlift companion, my drinking buddy, my running partner, and my best friend. He pushes me to be my hardest and get up even if I am at my lowest, he inspires me to train harder, eat better, treat myself right. He is always by my side, even if only figuratively.

Matt is also a student and, like me, struggles with the day-to-day balance of school, work, health, and fitness. I know I don't tell him enough that I am proud of what he is doing, but I am. He does amazing things and I am so proud to have him by my side. He is going into his last semester at CU and I am so excited for him to be able to have him literally by my side from here on out.

Who is your #mcm shout out? Who inspires you, pushes you, and brings out your best?!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Product Review: 24 Days of Tea

Many of you may not know this. But I am a MASSIVE tea fanatic. I do not drink coffee for many reasons; it bothers my stomach, it is more processed, very artificial tasting, over sweetened, and generally (how prepared) is loaded with extra calories. I no longer drink coffee and enjoy at least one cup of tea daily. I prefer the more natural loose leaf variety and was thrilled to discover David's Tea when I was wandering around Canada.

24 Days of Tea?
David's tea makes an amazing variety of fun, flavorful, and exciting teas that I am in LOVE with. Most tea places feel stuffy and pompous (*cough*Teavana*cough*) which is why I love David's: they made tea FUN. The "24 Days of Tea" Calendar is super popular and generally sells out in < 1 day, and this year I got one! This is what wonders the calendar had in store and what I thought of all the flavors!

  • Day 1: Forever Nuts
    • Fruit Infusion Tea, Caffeine Free
    • Ingredients: Apple, almonds, cinnamon, beetroot, and artificial flavouring
    • My Thoughts: This tea was rich and buttery like a nut bread or pie. I liked the flavor, but it confused my taste buds since it felt/tasted like I should have been eating rather than drinking. My rating: 3/5
  • Day 2: Organic Vanilla Chai
    • Black Tea, Medium Caffeine
    • Ingredients: Organic cinnamon, black tea, licorice root, ginger, vanilla. With natural vanilla and cream flavouring
    • My Thoughts: I LOVED this one! It was spicy, it was creamy, it was smooth and it was just a perfect balance. Amazing favor, my rating: 5/5
  • Day 3: Quangzhou Milk Oolong
    • Oolong Tea, Medium Caffeine
    • Ingredients: Chinese oolong tea from the Wuyi Mountains, natural flavouring
    • My Thoughts: This was a very good oolong, it steeped well multiple times, it felt very whole and earthy but felt more creamy and less sharp, my rating: 4/5
  • Day 4: Pink Flamingo
    • Herbal Infusion Tea, Caffeine Free
    • Ingredients: Hibiscus blossoms, apple pieces, carrot flakes, blackberry leaves, eucalyptus leaves, lemongrass, beetroot pieces, freeze-dried tangerine/orange slices and artificial flavouring
    • My Thoughts: This was my least favorite tea of the whole damn month. It looked like weed-wacker clippings, looked bright pink and tasted like lawn with a hint of citrus. I was not a big fan of this at all, favors didn't mesh well, my rating: 1/5
  • Day 5: Organic Detox
    • Green Tea, Low Caffeine
    • Ingredients: Organic rooibos, sencha green tea, lemongrass, ginger, juniper berries, ginkgo, and natural lemon flavouring
    • My Thoughts: This one looked like someone scooped up nature from a hike and put it in a tin, so I was a little skeptical. I did like it though, it was a very crisp, clean, and refreshing green tea, I felt like I was being relaxed and detoxed, my rating: 4/5
  • Day 6: Coco Chai Rooibos
    • Rooibos Tea, Caffeine Free
    • Ingredients: Organic Rooibos, cinnamon, ginger, coconut flakes, cloves, pink peppercorns, cardamom, natural and artificial flavouring
    • My Thoughts: Rooibos tends to be my favorite, and this is one I have had before. It is a nice chai tea flavor except without the heaviness of caffeine, nice for when you want chai but don't want to stay up all night, my rating 4/5
  • Day 7: English Breakfast
    • Black Tea, Medium Caffeine
    • Ingredients: Sri Lankan black tea
    • My Thoughts: tastes like a typical english breakfast tea, very natural and hearty, I am always kind of neutral about this type of tea in general, my rating: 3/5
  • Day 8: Cocomint Cream
    • Fruit Infusion Tea, Caffeine Free
    • Ingredients: Apple, coconut, sweet blackberry leaves, peppermint, spearmint, natural coconut flavouring
    • My Thoughts: After drinking this tea twice I still don't know how I feel: it tastes exactly as it sounds. Coconut + Mint = WTF? I didn't not like it; it was just a combination I have never experienced before, my rating: 3/5
  • Day 9: Genmaicha
    • Green Tea, Low Caffeine
    • Ingredients: Steamed green tea from Japan, roasted and popped rice
    • My Thoughts: This tasted like a tea that I have tasted at a sushi place before, but a little different. This tasted a little different and I could not place why, but it was not the same and I couldn't place it. It looked like green tea with floating rice krispies, my rating: 2/5
  • Day 10: Bubbie's Baklava
    • Oolong Tea, Low Caffeine
    • Ingredients: Oolong tea, roasted chicory root, pineapple, papaya, cinnamon, walnuts, apple, ginger, roasted almonds, cardamom, rose pepper, pistachios, rose blossom, artificial flavouring
    • My Thoughts: This one tasted pretty close to baklava, nutty, fruity, sweet, with a little spice, very tasty, my rating: 4/5
  • Day 11: Organic Mother's Little Helper
    • Herbal Infusion Tea, Caffeine Free
    • Ingredients: Organic peppermint, lemongrass, hibiscus, rosehips, chamomile, valerian root, cornflowers, peppermint flavouring
    • My Thoughts: This one felt earthy, cleansing, and natural. It helped me feel calm, cleansed, and relaxed, my rating: 4/5.
  • Day 12: Creme Carmel Rooibos
    • Rooibos Tea, Caffeine Free
    • Ingredients: Red Rooibos, caramel pieces, natural and artificial flavouring
    • My Thoughts: This one was delicious it was not-too sweet, creamy, carmely, and I love roobois, one of my favorites in the box, my rating: 5/5
  • Day 13: Read My Lips
    • Black Tea, Low Caffeine
    • Ingredients: Chinese black tea, peppermint, chocolate, pink peppercorns, sprinkles, natural and artificial flavouring
    • My Thoughts: I have had this one before, it is chocolately, minty, and a great balanced tea, my rating: 5/5
  • Day 14: Sugar Plum Forest
    • Fruit Infusion Tea, Caffeine Free
    • Ingredients: Apple, hibiscus, rooibos, ginger, licorice root, raisins, cinnamon, rose hip peel, plum, cardamom, star anise, bruised pepper, cloves, chili pieces, artificial flavouring
    • My Thoughts: This one tasted just as it sounds, it was sweet, fruity, and had a little bit of a spice to it, it looked pink and sweet, my rating 3/5
  • Day 15: Buddha'a Blend
    • White Tea, Medium Caffeine
    • Ingredients: White tea, green tea, jasmine pearls, white hibiscus blossoms, natural and articifial flavouring
    • My Thoughts: This tea tastes like I could be sitting and meditating in a Buddhist temple in Asia; calming, lightly bitter and cleansing, my rating: 4/5
  • Day 16: Main Squeeze
    • Mate Tea, Stimulant
    • Ingredients: Green yerba maté, candied papaya, pineapple, safflower, natural flavouring; contains sulfites
    • My Thoughts: This tea tastes like a bad combination of orange juice and mate tea, I don't know who's idea it was, but it was not a good one, my rating: 1/5
  • Day 17: Organic Peppermint Amour
    • Herbal Infusion Tea, Caffeine Free
    • Ingredients: Organic peppermint leaves from Oregon state
    • My Thoughts: Straight organic minty goodness, made me feel like I just brushed my teeth, my rating: 4/5
  • Day 18: Organic Silk Dragon Jasmine
    • Green Tea, Medium Caffeine
    • Ingredients: Organic Chinese green tea from Jianxi Province, naturally scented with jasmine flowers
    • My Thoughts: This is a deliciously crisp and fresh green tea, the hint of jasmine is a nice touch, my rating: 4/5
  • Day 19: Organic Cream of Earl Grey
    • Black Tea, Medium Caffeine
    • Ingredients: Organic black tea, cornflowers, marigolds with natural flavouring
    • My Thoughts: This is my boyfriends favorite tea, I am normally the biggest fan of earl grey, but this tastes less bitter with a hint of creaminess, my rating: 4/5.
  • Day 20: Apple Custard
    • Fruit Infusion, Caffeine Free
    • Ingredients: Apples, golden raisins, coriander, chamomile, natural and artificial vanilla flavouring
    • My Thoughts: I love a good herbal tea, this tastes (and smells!) like I am eating a tart yet sweet apple crisp, my rating: 5/5.
  • Day 21: Lime Gelato
    • Green Tea, Low Caffeine
    • Ingredients: Apple, Sencha green tea, pineapple, lemongrass, artificial creamy lime yogurt flavouring
    • My Thoughts: This day I was actually too busy to get a single mug of tea in, needless to say it was a dissapointing and stressful day, my rating: ?/5
  • Day 22: Sleigh Ride
    • Fruit Infusion Tea, Caffeine Free
    • Ingredients: Apple, hibiscus blossoms, pineapple, papaya, beetroot, cinnamon, raisins, coconut, roasted almonds, popped rice, artificial flavouring
    • My Thoughts: The teas are starting to get very festive! This one just tastes like a spiced cider of some kind, it reminds me of a hot holiday shandy, my rating: 4/5
  • Day 23: Eggnog
    • Rooibos Tea, Caffeine Free
    • Ingredients: Green rooibos, white chocolate chips, meringue powder, natural and artificial flavouring
    • My Thoughts: Tastes just like eggnog. Period. My rating: 5/5
  • Day 24: Santa's Secret
    • Black Tea, Medium Caffeine
    • Ingredients: Black tea, peppermint, sprinkles, natural and artificial flavouring
    • My Thoughts: What a wonderful way to end the month, a sweet, pepperminty, holiday flavored black tea, my rating: 5/5
Is anyone else tea fanatics? What types/brands/flavors do you tend to like? What other kinds of fun advent calendars do people use/have? 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Down But Not Out

I'm Sorry!

Many of you may have seen how my blog has been virtually nonexistent in the last two months.  Trust me. I didn't like it either. (I'll make them up: promise! Look for "back-dated" posts) I have done quite a few races, trainings, climbing competitions, product reviews, Spartan representing, and I even got a sponsor but I have been unfortunately too busy to do what I love: fitness and blogging.

I have conquered many races, courses, and obstacles but unfortunately the last few months has required an entirely different form of dedication and strength and has tested me like never before.

Jill of (too?) Many Trades:

Background, in case you didn't know I am a full time Biopharmaceutical production specialist at Glaxo-Smith Kline Biopharmaceuticals and I am a part time student taking a pharmacology class. I also work ad-hoc shifts at two local rock walls and love training, lifting, running, climbing, belly dancing, yoga, hiking, and just generally being outside. However this is not the first time me and this pharmacology class have met in the arena to do battle. Due to this my lifestyle had drastically changed.

Fitness Took the Back Burner:

I'll admit it. (Previously,) I was the first to criticize someone when they "didn't have enough time for fitness", but I had to severely cut back my previously rigorous Spartan and climbing training. One thing I will always be firm on is my healthy eating. When you eat like crap, you feel like crap, so I try and keep that as a constant in my life. If I was going to cut back my training, I was at least going to eat healthy.

I ran the Fenway Sprint but I was weak: I struggled through burpees, I only did the female weights (not normal for me), and I felt a bit sore after a SPRINT! I competed in a bouldering competition and I felt pathetic: my strength was diminished, my technique unpolished, and my hands ill-prepared. My muscles were still there and I still did minor workouts and exercises but I wasn't pushing myself and creating that sore, exerted feeling that I crave. I became sedentary and sore from sitting at my desks all day. I felt like my muscles were slowly fading and slowly a small layer of fat was covering up my definition. I was upset, broken, and drained, but there I sat at my desk, pushing.

Finals = OVER:

Go ahead and judge me. But even after 4 years of engineering school and passing the Fundamentals in Engineering Licensing Exam, I have never felt so overwhelmed. I spent nearly every free moment of my time studying, note taking, and just generally immersing myself in pharmacology. I even listened to lecture EVERY day on my hour long commute to work! It is an entirely exam based course, I get awful test anxiety, and "passing" for my program is at least a "B". Needless to say the cards were stacked against me.

I am an engineer: more of a problem solver and critical thinker by nature, however, memorization, facts, and endless drug names are not something I seem to be capable of doing. After all of this, the sad fact of the matter is I still don't know if I passed. If I did it was by the skin of my teeth and unfortunately if I failed AGAIN I can not justify wasting more time, energy, and money at Drexel and I will have to bid it adieu.


I finished my exam and just felt like the most useless human being. Had I wasted all this time and money for nothing? Would I be able to get through this? Will I be able to pick myself back up and keep going or will I have to just have to abandon ship? Either way I knew I had to be at one place: at my gym, on the rock wall. I knew I would be weak and I mentally set myself up for self degradation and failure.

Upon arrival at the wall, I was greeted by almost everyone I am friends with at Drexel. They all gave my huge smiles and hugs, and asked me how I was, and where I had been for so long! They all were so happy to see me and I was honestly shocked to see such an overwhelming response. I frankly didn't think anyone cared where I was and it was very refreshing to see how much of an impact I have on the community without even realizing it. I felt popular and I felt loved, two things I haven't felt from Philadelphia since moving here.

And then I started climbing... it was a bit harsh at first. I felt that my hands had gone soft, my grip weak, and my muscles already began to ache. I bouldered around on some easy V0s, and V1s and began to get a little frustrated when I couldn't complete a V2, something I usually do with little trouble. Then my friend came and asked how I was doing and began challenging me. I completed some top rope routes with (surprising) ease. 5.6s, 5.7s were not an issue.

A Spark...

Then he put me on a 5.8+. A route I hadn't completed even when much stronger a month or so before. I went in very negatively and struggled with my confidence to even begin. My muscles ached, my spirit broken, but then something sparked me up on that wall. I felt the NEED to finish that route. I began grunting, screaming, and yelling as I stretched, contorted, pulled, strained, and dragged my body up the wall. When I finally made it to the top I almost cried. I felt alive, I felt strong, and I felt amazing. It was then that I realized that you are only as weak as you tell yourself you are.

Get Back UP!

NO matter how you feel now, or may feel, no matter what that stupid little negative voice may be saying to you. You are still and will always be you. You are awesome. It doesn't matter if you were knocked down for a day, a month, or a decade, just get back up! You are better, stronger, smarter, and more beautiful than you could ever think and I believe in you.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Fuel Friday #?: Thanksgiving Leftovers

Black Friday, the day of Leftovers

Cheers to a Happy Thanksgiving (if you celebrate it that is). Hope your day was full of awesome and delicious food. Now that it is Friday and our fridges are FULL of leftovers, and so many of us are left with turkey (others dry and others moi… not dry), I have come up with an amazing warm and cozy grilled sammich that will be sure to use up some of those turkey bits.

Here’s a quick shot of my thanksgiving meal… I had some of everything!

Not only turkey though, this sandwich will also utilize some cranberry sauce, and maybe a few more things too! Hope you guys enjoy!

First up is:

Turkey Cranberry Brie PaniniBread of choice
Turkey (shredded or sliced thinly)
Cranberry sauce
Optional: Bacon or Prosciutto

Spread Brie on bread. Stack remaining ingredients and grill/pan fry in a lightly buttered pan (like grilled cheese).

Harvest SaladMixed Greens of Choice
Cranberry Sauce
Honey Mustard (mixed with cranberry sauce with some water to make a dressing)

Assemble and enjoy!

More Ideas!

Try making dumplings or savory bread pudding from leftover stuffing and eggs!

Consider shepherds pie using your mashed potatoes.

Sweet potatoes? Try sweet potato pie!

Stay tuned for more ideas. What did you do with your leftovers?

Friday, October 31, 2014

Fuel Friday #8: Easy Pumpkin Enchiladas

Easy Pumpkin Enchiladas

So here it is, Halloween! If you’re going to have a meal for Halloween THIS is a great one to do it! Sweet pureed pumpkin, chunks of sweet potato, corn, black beans and savory spices. This enchilada was actually lovingly made by my mom in preparation of me coming home to help out hand out the candy.

The fun thing about the particular enchilada pictured is the tortilla is made of egg! The eggs were scrambled, cooked omelet style, filled with enchilada filling, topped with cheese, and served with more guacamole then you know what to do with…

And speaking of guacamole, no Mexican dish is complete without it. I made a special puking pumpkin jack-o-lantern with fresh guacamole as the perfect dish to bring to a Halloween party.

Pumpkin Enchiladas
32 oz Black Beans
2 cups corn
1 small-medium onion - Chopped
1 medium sweet potato (small cubes)
2-3 large tomatoes chopped (or 1 can chopped tomatoes)
1 - 16oz can Pureed Pumpkin
½ broth (chicken or veggie)
1 TBSP chili powder
1 Tsp cayenne pepper
2 Tsp garlic powder
Cheddar Cheese (as much as you want)

Eggs (for egg shell)
Tortillas (for Enchilada)

** To make a spicier dish, add more cayenne, add fresh chopped jalapeno, or crumbled dried chilis to taste**

Add all ingredients to dutch oven on the stove top. A large saucepot can also work (just watch for burning). Put on high until simmering, then reduce to medium-low. Stir occasionally until sweet potatoes are tender. For a cheesy filling, add cheese and stir until melted.

To use a crock pot, put filling in (minus cheese) and set on high for 4 hours. Set it and forget it.

Cheese Sauce
** I didn’t use this sauce for the pictured enchilada; just added cheese to the top. This sauce is ideal for the baked preparation**

2 TBSP Flour (or Gluten Free Flour)
2 TBSP Butter
1 tsp chili powder
½ tsp cayenne
½ tsp paprika
1 cup Milk (if you are dairy free, I suggest unsweetened cashew, almond, or soy)
1 cup Cheese

Add butter and flour to pan. Cook on medium for ~60 seconds (to cook out the raw flour flavors). Add spices and whisk for another 30 seconds. Add cold milk to the hot mixture and whisk until combined. Remove the pan from the heat and add cheese slowly, whisking to melt the first bit before adding more. Add more cheese to richen/thicken the cheese sauce.

Fill tortilla (or flat omelet) with mixture. Roll mixture. Put in dish or on plate. Add cheese sauce if desired.

If baking put baking dish to 350 degrees until sauce is bubbly (about 15-20 minutes).

2 ripe avocados
½ red onion – chopped
1 tomato – chopped
1 clove of garlic – smashed or finely diced
½ lime - Juiced
½ t salt

Open and mash the avocados in a bowl
Add the remaining ingredients.
Mix to combine

Friday, October 24, 2014

Fuel Friday #7: Pumpkin Party Punch

Short entry today, but I promise it is worth it.

Every delicious Halloween party needs a punch! I’m providing you a slice of science mixed with some fresh fall flavors and classic mixings for punch worth having again and again! It is sweet, tangy, and smooth.

My favorite part about making this punch is by serving it in a REAL PUMPKIN! Find your favorite fun pumpkin (I get those short/flat fairy tale pumpkins), hollow it out and serve inside!

Pumpkin Punch

  • ½ cup canned pumpkin (do not get the pumpkin pie mix)
  • 1 cup apple cider (you could use hard fizzy cider too)
  • 1 cup orange juice
  • 1 cup pineapple juice
  • ½ cup golden rum
  • ½ cup citrus vodka
  • Sparkling wine to taste


  • Apple slices with cloves stuck in them
  • Cinnamon sticks
  • Star Anise


  • Blend pumpkin, cider, orange juice, and pineapple juice together.
  • Add rum and vodka, blend once more.
  • Put your garnishes in the bottom of the pumpkin or serving bowl.
  • Add liquid, leaving room for the bubbly.
  • Add bubbly and mix gently.
  • Enjoy!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Penn Pull Down Bouldering Competition 2014

As many of you know I am a rock climbing instructor at Drexel University's Rock Climbing Wall and at Go Vertical Rock climbing gym. After much persuasion and nagging from my co-workers I was finally coerced into entering a climbing competition. Today was my very first bouldering competition.

What is bouldering?! Well, it's rock climbing, but more specifically, it's a more technical rock climbing that is done lower to the ground without being harnessed in. Without a harness a climber is able to perform more difficult moves, contort in more complicated ways, and can move in any direction: much more technical versus top rope climbing (using a harness) which is more brute strength.

Indoor climbing, (both top rope climbing & bouldering) uses routes, meaning that only certain hand and feet holds can be used, which are dictated by matching colored tapes. All holds, including the start and end holds are specified and dictated by colored tapes and are rated by difficulty. For example, if I am working on a certain route to complete it successfully I need to only use the holds that have purple tape sticking off them, this can be seen on the photo below.

Generally bouldering routes are graded from V0 (easiest) to V15 (hardest) and the scale is definitely NOT linear. This means the difference in difficulty between a V0 and a V1 is less than the difference between a V1 and a V2.

The routes are marked on the competition wall, given a letter, and a point value between 0 to around 800-900 (at least at the competitions I go to) These values represent their difficulty. A climb with a value of 250 is a mid V2 level climb. For every route you complete properly you get that point value added to your sheet. If you flash the route, meaning you did it properly without falling or error the first time then you get an additional 10% (of the points) bonus! You climb whenever your time slot is for as long as you can and use your top 5 scores. There are generally divisions for beginner, intermediate, and expert. The top of the top then battle it out in a very lengthy problem to the end and after this competition everyone gathered together at the end for food and to party.

So How Did I Do?
Considering this was my very first time entering a competition I had no clue what I was getting into and had no idea how I would do, so my goals were set low. I also didn't know how the categories were divided and how I would even do on a new wall. I have been predominantly an indoor climber and all of the wall up until now have been flat, plain, unfeatured walls and I was very surprised to see that Penn's wall is featured. Unfeatured walls are flat where as featured walls are full of bumps, cracks, and features; more like an actual outdoor rock climbing experience. My best scores were all flash bonuses and I ended up climbing mostly V1s and V2s with a total score of 1, 022 as seen by the score card below. I ended up doing well enough to bump my score into the intermediate scoring category, which was great since I am really only a beginner, but at the same time it was unfortunate that I was put in a category out of my league: I was the bottom of the barrel.

The Good:

  • Tried out a new wall, and a featured one at that
  • Experienced a new type of activity
  • Hung out with all my friends
  • I was better than I thought and got bumped up to intermediate
  • I started off on a roll
The Bad:
  • I was the worst of the intermediates
  • All of my good climbs happened within the first half of the competition
  • I didn't place at all
  • I got very frustrated towards the end due to my lack of completion & progress
The Ugly:
  • I started throwing a fit due to my halted progress, it was a little embarrassing but I am a very passionate and competitive person.
Overall, despite really getting annoyed by the end I did enjoy the challenge. It was nice being immersed in the climbing community with both my friends and colleagues, but also the other local collegiate climbers. I enjoyed the added challenge if trying to climb a featured wall and seeing how other walls set/are and am looking forward to competing in other ones in the future.

Have any of you ever climbed in a competition? Have you seen one? How did you like it?